IMG Cascades Backcountry Gear List
This equipment list is meant to help you compile your personal gear for a mountaineering expedition. Most items are required. Please consider each item carefully and be sure you understand the function of each piece of equipment before you substitute or delete items. Keep in mind that this list has been carefully compiled by the expedition organizer. Don't cut corners on the quality of your gear.
Avalanche transceivers can be rented from IMG. Ski mountaineering gear may be rented locally. For more information please contact This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need javascript enabled to view it
Clothing | |
[ ] | Long underwear top and bottom (light or medium weight) |
[ ] | Fleece or soft shell jacket |
[ ] | Soft shell pants (Schoeller or similar) |
[ ] | Waterproof/breathable shell with hood |
[ ] | Waterproof/breathable pants (full side zips preferred) |
[ ] | Lightweight down or synthetic jacket |
[ ] | Wool or fleece hat |
[ ] | Baseball or sun cap |
[ ] | Insulated ski gloves |
[ ] | Light fleece or wool gloves |
[ ] | Balaclava or neck gaiter
Gear | |
[ ] | Day pack with strapping system for skis or board |
[ ] | Skis with AT bindings, splitboard or telemark |
[ ] | AT, snowboard, or telemark boots |
[ ] | Ski poles (adjustable are best) |
[ ] | Climbing skins (cut to skis) |
[ ] | Collapsible snow shovel |
[ ] | Avalanche probe |
[ ] | Avalanche transceiver |
[ ] | Ski crampons |
[ ] | Sunscreen and lip balm |
[ ] | Sunglasses |
[ ] | Ski goggles |
[ ] | Helmet (optional) |
[ ] | Headlamp with new batteries |
[ ] | One liter water bottle |
[ ] | Camera and extra battery (the smaller the better) |
Additional Gear for Overnight Trips | |
[ ] | 50-60 liter backpack with ski attachment points |
[ ] | Sleeping bag (rated to 0°F or better) |
[ ] | Sleeping pad |
[ ] | Warm insulated parka |
[ ] | Insulated pants (synthetic or down is preferred) |
[ ] | Warm mittens |
[ ] | One pair of extra socks |
[ ] | One liter water bottle (total of two) |
[ ] | Cup, bowl and spoon |
[ ] | Light toiletries: toothbrush and toothpaste, small roll of TP |
[ ] | Personal first aid kit, to include moleskin, band-aids, tape, ibuprofen, etc. |
[ ] | 2 large garbage bags |
[ ] | Personal lunch food (bring a variety of your favorite foods, including easy to eat snacks) |